2011년 7월 10일 일요일


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh..dimulakan dengan Bismillahirrahmanirrahimm..

Now, I think its tym for me to keep my promise that ive been started before..to share a story about me n my life as a seaman.. suddenly I feel like to write n share sumthg..pity u bloggy have to hear it frm me coz I dun have anyone to share wif..n most important to finish this broadband credit..nnT da kt mesia xboleh pakai…haha..so are u ready bloggy?..ready x ready bolos saja dinding ittewww…haha~ k now start sumthg serious..hm mayb a little serious..

Above of all job, why did I choose to work at sea, as a seaman? honestly, it was the job that picked me, not me!..haha logic ke?ok meh ceciter..xpnah tepk kot dr kecik smpai ke besa ade peluang keje as a seaman..the thg tht I knew was popye d sailorman jek.. pastu bt kapal pakai lego..seyes xtipu. K next..i applied ths job thru jobstreet online after my father showed me the advert in d newspaper. X slh kn nk try keje out of the scope..At that tym I worked as RA @ ukm. RA ni sbenanye juz my stepstone utk carik keje yg lebeh kukuh la, keje permenant..keje py keje da 1thn rupenye keje kt ukm tu…so I planning to persue my master if theres no any job that I can fit in d industry. U noe y?i had been going plenty of interview related to my degree..tp 1 hapak pn xdak..bt rugi tmbang bas je g silicon valley, kt kedah, nek bas ala2 backpacking sesorg n menginap 1 mlm kt seri mesia..sbb kt c2 la tmpt yg plg jauh pnah pg utk interview yg hy 3jam jek..cess..xpe.tu nmnye xdek rezki.nk jadikan ceciter, after kecewa ngn sume company yg keep rejecting me tu. So I tried apply misc la.dtg interview,then next wiknye dorg send telegram ckp yg tahniah anda telah berjaya diterime bekerja sebagai jurutera elektrik misc..mmg den x cay0.. telegram tu beb, bukan phone call..gile teruja..pergh sujud syukur tym tu sbb 1st, dpt kejela 2nd misc name besa kot 3rd it’s a permenant job 4th gaji bule thnla..yg 5th ni mmg xbule blah..kene keje ats kpl, tp nk bt cmne..my c2uation at that tym didn’t give me any choice to choose.

hanya gmbar hiasan semata

K next, d main reason why by hook or by crook I have to get ths job. 1st, at tht tym I was so frustrated bcoz Ive been kept rejected by companies that I go for interviewed n only this company that give me the chance to work for. Im so stressed act. bcoz at that tym many of my frens already got their permenant job..so obvious a looser isn’t it? 2nd, I juz need to stabilize myself. Along…phm2 jela kn..n that tym also Ive been friend wif this girl that meant a lot to me..but sadly I turned her down..k fullstop..thats a different story in d different chapter..so ive to keep thinking far as far as I could especially for my family la…evrythg u do in ur life..ur fam is ur 1st priority..lg2la as anak lelaki yg 1st..n the most important is..if u give ur family happiness i.Allah u’ll be much happier n be blessed in ur life whatever u do..its proven beb in my life..ths the lesson that I learnt during my sailing tym..so bebalek citer psl misc ni…this company can give enough salary to make my plan successful.. so cam nmpk sgt kn materialistic dc2?haha..hav to beb..bcoz money is not evrythg but evrythg need money.

So td ade sebut psl plan kn..that means once I reach my plan objective, I have to make new plan..mksdnye dcni ialah..seaman is a temporary job for me..same like RA dulu… juz a stepstone to lead to the bigger plan..ha bigger plan tu agak seyes..so simpan dulu.. n those plan i write in a letter 3years ago..in the letter I wrote everythg. All about my future plan..ceh..da mcm will la pulak kn..haha..xpela atleast I already have a guideline for my future life..bak kate org..kite merancang.. Tuhan yg tentukan..so xkesa la ape consequences yg akan jadik..ive to accept it as ketentuanNya..yg ptng kite besungguh n berusaha..

Orait2..citer psl seaman life nak?ok..ape yg best jdk seaman ni?act. lain org lain la pndapatnye n lainla tujuannye kn? For me, I enjoy travelling. Dr kecik ive been dreaming about around d world, going to many places..so alhamdllah sume tu termakbul. Ckp je laut mane yg xpnah pg..kecuali laut maTi la..canal mane yg xpnah lalu..sume da lalu, tp x sume la..juz 2 canal ni je..haha.. suez da berkali2..panama skali..panama mmg plg superb n indah la..b4 ni juz dgr citer cmne kpl bule nek bukit..pastu kene tarik ngn keretapi tp skg da rs sndri cmne..pergh mmg exp yg terbaeek.. a round d world?yup da suda!yey!but not in 1 trip la..tp mmg 1 globe dunia ni da pusing skali..pnahla exp yg local time lambat 1ari dr mesia..haha best. Snow?da rs jugak.. many tyms in Rotterdam n once in korea. Ckp psl korea mmg bestla tmpt ni nk jln2..almost signature places in seoul da pnah pg..ckp je mane. Ade la jgk teperasan jdk hero dlm muvi winter sonata..haha.. State?texas,boston,new Orleans,new York..pergh dpt tgk life beb statue of liberty tu..besk kn? g Boston plak beli levis n VS..murah gile beb..kt mesia pn xdek jual..tp syg da xnaek kapal yg jln c2..ha America latin pn smpt pg..brazil tu..pergh..besh2 cume xsmpt jmpe kaka jela..tp smptla bli jersey brazil made in brazil utk dbuat souvenir..China pulak damnnn… mcm2 port da pegi tp syg xsempat lg pg kt port2 yg ade big city cam Beijing,Shanghai..etc..last European country that ive been was Italy..Cagliary, it was a classic town..scenery mmg xdpt nk imagine la kt cni..mmg ala2 citer romantic mafia la..eh cmne tu?haha..a night b4 im going back home tu smptla jln2..siap jmpe castle lame tu..pergh..cam dlm citer kings Arthur da..adoii besh2..sume tu pengalaman yg xdpt jual beli la kn..pastu esoknye nek flight transit ke rome..kt rome xdpt la nk jln2 kua tgk coliseum ke..juz lepak kt epot die je..juz bli2 souvenir sket..pastu rest jap sbb after that nk mnjawab flight yg pjg ke dubai..pas dubai br la ke klia pastu balek uma..yey!

Tp yg plg pntg kt cni keje as a seaman u can earn a lot of money but ade but…if u can save it properly..y?sbb ade seaman yg suke enjoy each tym dpt turun darat..so bile blk uma poket da kosong..mknenye keje for fun la n no future planning..for me ive plan to make it realize..so its enough walking around taking pictures n bought some souvenirs..taking pics eh?apsal gmba2 dlm fesbuk tu byk gmba awan2 pokok2 gunung2 bukit2 jek?haha.ntahla sbb I like to take panoramic view that doesn’t have in our country.i luv great scenery. Ha ade org ty np gaji seaman tggi?sbbnye ialah, gaji tu sepadan ngn risiko bekeje diela.bayangkn, bwk product chemical, methanol etc..at sea..kt laut mcm2 bule jadikan..typhoon..tsunami..kraken la dugong la..n sailing for 6 month..rs2 bebaloi x?agakla kn..so ade logic la dc2..samela ngn safety officer yg jage gas/refinery plant kt darat tu..gaji tggi jgk tu...xcaye cube google..

For 3 years being a seaman, I didn’t say that I was happy nor I was regret. Honestly theres a plus n minus. Plus becoz of this job,I had bought a house for my family. I can help a lot in my fam financial. I can ride my own dream car. Minus..of cos u have a poor social life n lonely..prospek awek?mane nk carik kalau setgh thn ats kpl je..byk la restraint keje cmni..n xramai org yg btol2 bule phm ngn kami..there was a saying “only the best man can go to sea & only the best women can be with the best man”..eceh tetb..ayat utk menyedapkan haT..haha.. ok2..enaf2..now sumthg serious..For me, I am almost reaching my 1st plan objective..so sejurus je ayat terakhir yg ditaip, I already started my bigger plan…that mayb can change my life..my future life..hopefully…amiinkan yek ;)

So..kalau ade sesape seaman sejati o sesape yg nk jadik seaman tu I want to apologize 1st la..because this is not an inspiring writing about seaman life.. haha sori beb..im not planning to stay here longer..

Mayb..this is my last entry here…till then… tc bloggy ;)

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