2011년 1월 15일 토요일

did u know?

org ckp..kalaw lebeh dr 3ari xbetego sape...nnT bedose...eh? ;) <--- line ni sepatotnye da patot2 kene delete tp biala...sbb asalnye nk tls cmni...huh!


1. did u noe that i purposely not to text u regularly as before?
- sbb sy xmaw kacaw awk tym awk sgt2 bz..ive learned tht b4..

2. did u noe that i purposely not to give u our pics when u ask me to upload them?
- bukan sbb mls...sengaje nk buat awk geram..xdela awk update2 blog je bile da dpt pics tu nnT =P

3. did u noe that i purposely write some harsh word in my tweeter?
- yup2..mmg sengaje nak buat awk marah..

4. did u noe that all of sudden & out of nowhere i contact back my ex right after i open up my tweeter accnt?
- yes...sekali lg sbb mawu bt awk marah n betambah2 sakit haT..coz i noe u can see it..d post cannot be hide o deleted....yeyup..mmg sesengajekn..

5. did u noe tht why suddenly i disappear?
- i dun want 2 go 2 far... coz i noe ur limit..

why why why n why i did it all of this silly thgs?
- its all becoz i want u to finish ur job early...i hope tht u can come back home early ... & to be with me till the last moment..."this monday it shud be nice" but i noe it cannot be happened..xboleh sng2 balek kn?..xpela..stdy 1st k? keje sungguh2 sbb kene byr utang+bunga dlm euro... ;)

ahhhh semua ini dusta???
- tepok dahi tanye haT.. ;)

and... above of all.... i want to :

peace no war (,")V

p/s : act... nk tulis sume2 ni kt surat/kad n give u till the last moment...tp rase cam xsempat kot... so hope tht awk sempat bace b4 i left.. pics yg awk req sume pn da sent thru ur mail tym post ni di published..sori lmbt sbb file die besa2....3ari 3mlm br siap..tc awk..

"i might not be a man that gives u a lot of memories for u 2 remembered in ur mind till u die, but i might be a man that gives u a little memories to be remembered & kept in ur heart till d world ends"

"once u got an Alzheimer absolutely u will lost ur memories but if u keep d memories in ur heart the disease can be cured..: drummet et.al..." =P

*ni kalaw ade auto log counter bp kali edit post ni kompem da bejuta2 editing da di recordkn..he~
*oh ye..hePi anniversary~

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